Friday 9 March 2018 ore 18:00 - 19:30

Dialogues between philosophy and science.Massimo Cacciari and Mario Rasetti

MAXXI Auditorium – free entry thanks to the support of ENEL, main partner of the exhibition, until full capacity
The first 10 holders of the myMAXXI card to write to mymaxxi@fondazionemaxxi.it before the day prior to the event will have the possibility to reserve a seat

An event dedicated to the prospects of man in view of the ongoing digital revolution.

Massimo Cacciari, Professor Emeritus of Aesthetics at the University of Venice, and Mario Rasetti, president of Fondazione ISI, a foundation devoted to Scientific Interchange, discuss the prospects of man and society, ethics, knowledge, and especially the work of the ongoing digital revolution: Big Data, artificial intelligence, complexity and supercomputing.

Giovanna Melandri Presidente Fondazione MAXXI

Massimo Cacciari philosopher
Mario Rasetti physicist and mathematician

Andrea Zanini spokesman of the ASI President and co-curator of the exhibition

other events of the Gravity cycle