Friday 6 April 2018 ore 21:00 - 22:00

Dear Albert

MAXXI Auditorium – admittance € 10
€7 for myMAXXI cardholders

by Alan Alda, directed by Mario Sesti
with Pino Calabrese, Serena Dandini e Pippo Delbono
live music by Teho Teardo
video processing by Gianluca Abbate and Virginia Eleuteri Serpieri
voce off by Stefano Bianchini

The extraordinary wealth of letters written by Einstein presented for the first time in a theatrical reading

Presented for the first time on the occasion of the 2012 edition of the World Science Festival, Dear Albert traces an intimate and relatively unknown path around the life of Albert Einstein. The readings humanize a giant in the pantheon of great scientists, shedding light on his important scientific work through accounts from his private life, such as the letters to his wife Mileva Maric in which the young scientist confides dreams, projects, hopes and disappointments. Stages that were frequently difficult in the emotive and intellectual maturation that was to lead him to the great discoveries of 1905, true “conceptual revolutions” of our century.

other events of the Gravity cycle