Allora & Calzadilla, Solar Catastrophe
Wednesday 14 February 2018 ore 18:00 - 19:30

Blackout. A constantly-changing planet.Guillermo Calzadilla and Telmo Pievani

Carlo Scarpa Hall – admission free thanks to the support of ENEL, main partner of the exhibition, subject to availability of places
myMAXXI cardholders may reserve the first 10 places by writing to by the day before the event

On the occasion of the inauguration of their exhibition Blackout, Guillermo Calzadilla, from the Puerto Rican artistic duo Allora & Calzadilla, the main protagonists of Gravity. Imagining the Universe after Einstein, will be in dialogue with the philosopher and evolutionist Telmo Pievani. They will be establishing a connection between the two exhibitions, reflecting on some of their common themes and analysing the ever-increasing impact of climate change on Earth as well as the consequences of human action on future transformations of the planet.

Introduced by
Giovanna Melandri President, Fondazione MAXXI

Guillermo Calzadilla artist
Telmo Pievani philosopher and epistemologist

Moderated by
Hou Hanru Artistic Director, MAXXI

other events of the Gravity cycle