Sunday 21 January 2018 ore 11:00 - 19:00

Workshops for families.Travelling through the cosmos

Activities for families with children of between 4 and 10 years of age on the exhibition Gravity. Imaging the universe after Einstein
Free thanks to Qatar Airways
Workshops subject to availability of places. For further information please call 3386419518 – Monday to Friday from 9.30 AM to 1.00 PM – or write to

A day’s activity for all the family to have fun while learning together about art and science

On the occasion of the exhibition Gravity. Immaginare l’Universo dopo Einstein, the new Edu Lab 1 opens to families. Thanks to the two tutorials made available and the invaluable assistance of the museum educators, we shall be exploring together the potential of Knupferli to weave space-time and build the spherical structure of the celestial bodies.