Monday 1 January 2018 ore 17:00 - 18:30

Wave Hunters

MAXXI Auditorium – admission free subject to availability of places and purchase of a museum entrance ticket

A scientific show for adults and children dedicated to gravitational waves and the research that led to their observation

Surprising experiments and an enthralling narration taking spectators on a fascinating journey towards the concept of the wave, from the most traditional through to the gravitational waves, the discovery of which led to the assignation of the 2017 Noble Prize for Physics: on the occasion of the exhibition Gravity. Imaging the Universe after Einstein a scientific show is being presented at MAXXI that will involve the audience in the realisation of experiments with a significant visual impact.

The show has been produced by Psiquadro in association with the EGO Consortium (European Gravitational Observatory)

other events of the Gravity cycle