Saturday 28 April 2018 ore 17:00 - 18:30

Energy as Art.Petrolio, mon amour!

Galleria 5 – entrance € 5
free with a museum entrance ticket and for myMAXXI cardholders
carnet for three events € 10

Portable short stories on surviving the blackout

Three events reflecting on some of the environmental emergencies of the contemporary world on the occasion of the exhibition Blackout. Allora&Calzadilla.
Starting out from the works on show, Marco Gisotti, environmental journalist, and Antonio Disi, ENEA researcher, put forward possible solutions and valid models for clean and sustainable energy. Three stories that bring together information and knowledge, artistic energy and technology, stimulating the desire to live in harmony with nature, safeguarding the efficient development of the planet.

Can we imagine a future without oil?

The second event focuses on the work Petrified Petrol Pump (2012).
From a productive point of view, oil is a very efficient source of energy because it has the highest concentration of energy of any fossil fuel and is extracted in liquid form, which makes it easy to transport and store. However, the consequences for the environment are devastating.

An event produced in collaboration with ENEA, National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development.