Wednesday 9 October 2019 ore 18:30 - 20:00

Summer at MAXXI – Books at MAXXI.Marco Bentivogli and Christian Rocca

Carlo Scarpa hall – free admittance until full capacity
10 individual seats reserved for myMAXXI cardholders by writing to mymaxxi@fondazionemaxxi.it by the day before the event

An unprecedented debate revolving around the challenges of the contemporary world between two protagonists of the labour market and the world of journalism.

The fourth industrial revolution and the digital revolution have changed our daily lives by radically redesigning the world we inhabit and offering unprecedented opportunities for development, knowledge and leisure. However, said revolutions have also provided a breeding ground for questionable interests, conflicts and growing forms of control and despotism, thereby causing increasing technophobia in the fields of communication and work.

The books Contrordine compagni. Manuale di resistenza alla tecno fobia per la riscossa del lavoro e dell’Italia (Rizzoli) by Marco Bentivogli and Chiudete Internet. Una modesta proposta (Marsilio) by Christian Rocca remind us that our society cannot do without competence and experience when trying to stop civil degradation and defeat demagoguery, especially in the face of technological innovation.

Giovanna Melandri Fondazione MAXXI President

Marco Bentivogli FIM-CISL National Secretary
Christian Rocca Journalist and writer

Eva Giovannini Journalist and tv reporter

In collaboration with Marsilio Editori and Rizzoli Libri.

other events of the Estate al MAXXI 2019 cycle