Foto © Simona Caleo
Wednesday 26 June 2019 ore 21:00 - 22:30

Summer at MAXXI - Books at MAXXI.Di chi è questo cuore di Mauro Covacich

Museum Piazza – free entrance until full capacity
10 individual seats reserved for myMAXXI card holders writing to, by the day before the event

A novel about the body, but above all about the heart as a place of individual feelings and destinies.

A man who has the same name and appearances of the author is diagnosed with a small cardiac problem that forces him to stop sports, of which he is a fanatic, and breaks his illusion of physical efficiency without an expiry date.

This is the trigger of a novel on the body, but above all about the heart as a place of individual feelings and destinies. A boy falls, or maybe was left to fall, from a window of a hotel in Milan during a class trip. It is a story about human beings, their fragilities and wills. It is a story about loneliness and desire.

Mauro Covacich author

Francesca Serafini author and screenwriter

In collaboration with La nave di Teseo

other events of the Estate al MAXXI 2019 cycle