A Roberta Petronio project
Museum Piazza – free entrance until full capacity
10 individual seats reserved for myMAXXI card holders writing to mymaxxi@fondazionemaxxi.it, by the day before the event
Rome-Milan: united by ever faster connections, these two cities are experiencing a cancellation of distances, as if they were both extensions of the other.
The agreement between MAXXI and the Milan Triennale for the National architecture prize, designed to build a new cultural bridge between the two cities, has been extended with a new project.
Thanks to the high-speed trains, the two cities are undergoing an enlargement of urban territoriality that involves ever larger groups of people who are used to moving and living ‘between’ for work, love, or simple curiosity. But, how much do the two cities, despite the continuous contact, know each other, net of the fundamentals?
Managers, professionals, cultural operators, creatives, writers, artists, musicians, and innovators will talk about this in a cycle of meetings that will take place alternately in the two cities.
Il Tempo nelle due città: ‘Quanto vale un’ora a Roma e un’ora a Milano?’
Mauro Canali historian
Giulia Cerasoli Mondadori
Goldschmied & Chiari artists
Giuseppe Di Piazza Corriere della Sera
Paolo Conti editorialista del Corriere della Sera

A Roberta Petronio project
Museum Piazza – free entrance until full capacity
10 individual seats reserved for myMAXXI card holders writing to mymaxxi@fondazionemaxxi.it, by the day before the event
Rome-Milan: united by ever faster connections, these two cities are experiencing a cancellation of distances, as if they were both extensions of the other.
The agreement between MAXXI and the Milan Triennale for the National architecture prize, designed to build a new cultural bridge between the two cities, has been extended with a new project.
Thanks to the high-speed trains, the two cities are undergoing an enlargement of urban territoriality that involves ever larger groups of people who are used to moving and living ‘between’ for work, love, or simple curiosity. But, how much do the two cities, despite the continuous contact, know each other, net of the fundamentals?
Managers, professionals, cultural operators, creatives, writers, artists, musicians, and innovators will talk about this in a cycle of meetings that will take place alternately in the two cities.
Il Tempo nelle due città: ‘Quanto vale un’ora a Roma e un’ora a Milano?’
Mauro Canali historian
Giulia Cerasoli Mondadori
Goldschmied & Chiari artists
Giuseppe Di Piazza Corriere della Sera
Paolo Conti editorialista del Corriere della Sera
Mauro Canali
Giulia Cerasoli
Giuseppe Di Piazza
Paolo Conti