Thursday 20 June 2019 ore 20:30 - 22:00

Summer at MAXXI.Where are you? Dimmi dove sei

Museum Piazza – free entrance until full capacity
10 individual seats reserved for myMAXXI card holders writing to mymaxxi@fondazionemaxxi.it, by the day before the event

The documentary, directed by Jesùs Garcès Lambert, simultaneously on National Geographic and at the Museum for the World Refugee Day.

The documentary Where are you? Dimmi dove sei, produced by Doclab for National Geographic and directed by Jesùs Garcès Lambert, is inspired by the picture taken by Massimo Sestini in the summer of 2014 in the international waters between Libya and Sicily from a helicopter of the Italian Navy. An extraordinary zenith image of a boat full of migrants, which has become the symbol of the migration crisis in the Mediterranean.

In 2016, Sestini launched a call on the internet – Where are you? – to find out where those men, women, and children ended up. National Geographic was interested in this call and decided to tell this story of despair and hope with Where are you? Dimmi dove sei, a project sponsored by the UNHCR, and supported by the MIBAC, the Apulia Film Commission, and the Lazio Region – Regional cinema and audio-visual fund.

Giovanna Melandri Fondazione MAXXI President

Paola Acquaviva National Geographic
Jesùs Garcès Lambert director
Carlotta Sami UNHCR
Massimo Sestini photographer

Marta Bertolini Fox Networks Group Italy

A project by National Geographic sponsored by UNHCR and the support of MIBAC, Apulia Film Commission and Regione Lazio – Regional cinema and audio-visual fund.

other events of the Estate al MAXXI 2019 cycle