Wednesday 10 July 2019 ore 21:00 - 22:30

Summer at MAXXI - Books at MAXXI.Noi siamo tempesta by Michela Murgia

Museum Piazza – free entrance until full capacity
10 individual seats reserved for myMAXXI card holders writing to mymaxxi@fondazionemaxxi.it, by the day before the event

On the basis of her book, Michela Murgia talks about Maria Lai, an ordinary person who performed remarkable feats thanks to her creativity.

On the occasion of the exhibition Maria Lai. Tenendo per mano il sole, MAXXI is drawing on the extraordinary collaboration of the writer Michela Murgia who, on the basis of her latest work Noi siamo tempesta. Storie senza eroe che hanno cambiato il mondo, presents a special account of Maria Lai.

Like the protagonists of the book, ordinary people who perform remarkable feats thanks to creative collaboration and reciprocal trust, Maria Lai with her free and unprejudiced approach to creativity helped revolutionize the contemporary artistic idiom.

Bartolomeo Pietromarchi MAXXI Arte Director

Michela Murgia author
Luigia Lonardelli MAXXI Curator

In collaboration with Salani Editore

other events of the Estate al MAXXI 2019 cycle