Saturday 22 June 2019 ore 17:00 - 22:00

Summer at MAXXI.Festa della Musica 2019

Museum galleries – free admittance with the Museum’s ticket
Museum Piazza – free entrance until full capacity

10 individual seats reserved for myMAXXI card holders writing to mymaxxi@fondazionemaxxi.it, by the day before the event

A day to celebrate music together with impromptu performances and the Le Quattro Stagioni by I Solisti Aquilani.

An entire day to celebrate the 2019 Music Festival, during which the audience is invited to embark on a real journey into the world of music. The spaces of the Museum come to life with numerous live performances by young musicians, selected through an open call, who will dialogue with the works present in the galleries and in the square.

The event will close in the evening with the great outdoor concert by the String Orchestra of I Solisti Aquilani who will perform Antonio Vivaldi’s Le Quattro Stagioni. This concert is held ten years after the dramatic earthquake that shocked the city. I Solisti Aquilani represent one of the greatest landmarks of the cultural rebirth of L’Aquila.

other events of the Estate al MAXXI 2019 cycle