Friday 16 October 2015 ore 16:00 - 17:00

Mediterraneo la nostra frontiera liquida by Gabriella Guido & Rosalba Ferba

MAXXI Auditorium – admittance free

The 10th Rome Film Fest comes back as a great party. For ten days, the building designed by the Italian architect Renzo Piano will be its centre but not only. The Fest will involve the rest of the Capital city and the MAXXI museum as well.

Mediterraneo la nostra frontiera liquida
by Gabriella Guido e Rosalba Ferba
(Italy, 2015, 80′)

Men, women and children who daily cross borders by land and by sea; children who march for miles, embark on fragile vessels, get stopped at the frontier, locked up in refugee centers; then identified, selected, with their desperate families protecting them, or just what’s left of them, or even completely on their own: Erri De Luca calls them “the acrobats of the present”. Fragments of stories and lives captured by photographer Massimo Sestini (World Press Photo 2015 Prize) during one of the most recent Mare Nostrum missions in the Strait of Sicily. The screening of Mediterraneo, la nostra frontiera liquida, directed by Gabriella Guido and Rosalba Ferba, in collaboration with Erri De Luca and Massimo Sestini, and scored by Giovanni Luisi for LasciateCIEntrare,

Event part of the Risonanze Section at the Rome Film Fest

other events of the Festa del cinema di Roma 2015 cycle