Sunday 18 October 2015 ore 16:30

Liberi tutti by Luca Rea

MAXXI Auditorium
Ticket 5 €

The 10th Rome Film Fest comes back as a great party. For ten days, the building designed by the Italian architect Renzo Piano will be its centre but not only. The Fest will involve the rest of the Capital city and the MAXXI museum as well.

Liberi tutti
by Luca Rea
(Italy, 2015, 55′)

The story of a recent past that looks like a distant future: the free-for-all saga of Italian private television broadcasting stations in the late 70s and early 80s. Material never seen before, impossible to find anywhere even Youtube, and in many cases never released before. Astonishing images: daringly gathered, over the years, by the “manic” collector Luca Rea, who guides us with the passion of his vision through this picturesque expressionistic Babel. For the first time ever, the complex truth about a story that fell too quickly into oblivion.

Event of the Work in progress Section at Rome Film Fest.

other events of the Festa del cinema di Roma 2015 cycle