Tuesday 20 October 2015 ore 19:30

Swinging Roma by Andrea Bettinetti

MAXXI Auditorium
Ticket €5
20% discount for the museum visitors who show the entrance ticket

The 10th Rome Film Fest comes back as a great party. For ten days, the building designed by the Italian architect Renzo Piano will be its centre but not only. The Fest will involve the rest of the Capital city and the MAXXI museum as well.

Swinging Roma
directed by Andrea Bettinetti
(Italy, 2015, 73′)

Swinging Roma is a film about the 60s art scene in Rome. A unique moment in history, when in a flurry of cross-fertilization, painting, film and literature converged in pursuit of the “spirit” of the times. A sweeping portrait of a city that for a decade became one of the art capitals of the world.

Event of Rome Film Festival’s Riflessi

other events of the Festa del cinema di Roma 2015 cycle