Still da video, Al Dio ignoto di Rodolfo Bisatti
Saturday 23 November 2019 ore 19:00 - 21:00

Film screening.To the Unknown God by Rodolfo Bisatti

MAXXI Auditorium – € 5
10 individual seats free and reserved for myMAXXi cardholders by writing to, by the day before the event

A film that talks about the need to look after the person, starting from our own.

Lucia is a mother who lives alone with her younger child, Gabriel, a 17-year-old teenager. Her husband fled following the death of their first born Anna, who died from leukaemia seven years earlier. Lucia tries to process the mourn: she confronts with her pain by working as a nurse in a hospice, in contact with terminally ill patients. Here she meets some guests who will prove to be “masters”, indicating the path that leads to liberation from anguish.

To the Unknown God (125’) is a film that talks about the need to look after the person, starting from our own, not to subject it to the barbarization of the “non-thought”, of the “non-choice”, to the materialistic ignorance elevated to a therapeutic morality or viceversa to the fideism of a misunderstood religious confession. Truth comes from speaking; from a comparison that is not only material but also spiritual.

Rodolfo Bisatti film director

other events of the della materia spirituale dell'arte cycle