Wednesday 4 December 2019 ore 17:00 - 19:00

Lesson/Concert.Maestro Krishna Das

MAXXI auditorium – € 10
10 individual seats free and reserved for myMAXXI cardholders writing to mymaxxi@fondazionemaxxi.it by the day before the event

The techniques of transcendental sounds and vibrations as a practice of “inner awakening”.

Maestro Krishna Das will hold a special lesson to discover the Ancient Vedic Philosophy and its healing power.
An intense itinerary that starts from the origins of the individual and passes through the study and experimentation of the codes of knowledge contained in primordial sounds and vibrations.

The lesson will end with a “Shanty Raga” (Melodies of Peace) concert, an ancient music of India, and the involvement of the audience, who will be asked to collectively recite and chant Mantras.

other events of the della materia spirituale dell'arte cycle