Saturday 30 November 2019 ore 19:00 - 20:30

Concert and show.Rumi and St. Francis

curated by the Pejman Tadayon Ensemble  
MAXXI Auditorium – € 10
10 individual seats reserved for myMAXXI cardholders writing to
mymaxxi@fondazionemaxxi.it by the day before the event.

Can music be the key to understanding the languages of spiritual philosophies?

Two figures in the history of the world have taken to extremes a mystical slant without equals and have changed the spiritual lives of their peoples for ever: Rumi and St. Francis. Through the poetry of the two mystics, we may comprehend the mysterious analogies that lead to the meaning of their fervour, while music gives life to their inspiration through a universal language that brings closer and unites traditions apparently so distant from one another.

Pejman Tadayon, the Iranian musician and composer who has studied and played music from the Middle Ages, has composed and selected the pieces for this show using ancient and traditional instruments from the Suficulture, together with others from the medieval period such as the vielle and flutes. The show also features interpretations of original texts by St. Francis and Rumi, translated from the Persian, showing the intersections, the affinities and the common roots of their inspiration. The concert will be accompanied by examples of Sufi dance.

Pejman Tadayon Ensemble
Pejman Tadayon voice, oud, saz, ney, daf
Barbara Eramo voice
Luigi Polsini vielle, viola
Massimiliano Barbaliscia santur
Renato Vecchio wind instruments
Simone Pulvano percussion
Jolina Iavicoli Sufi dance
Isabella Grimaldi narrator
Persepolis Choir

other events of the della materia spirituale dell'arte cycle