Sunday 3 March 2019 ore 16:00 - 17:45

Film at MAXXI- Exhibition Special.Sono nato, ma…

MAXXI Auditorium – admission € 5
free for myMAXXI cardholders, with the first 10 cardholders to write to mymaxxi@fondazionemaxxi.it having the chance to reserve places one day before the event

Tokyo: an employee moves with his family to the suburbs of the city. When the children discover that the father is forced to humble himself with the boss to keep his job, they decide to go on a hunger strike.Among the early masterpieces by Yasujirō Ozu (Japan 1932, 90 minutes), a director whose fame from the 70s to today has become that of the greatest in the pantheon of cinema.
The film has a pure view of childhood, a movable and bright grace in the landscape, and a mysterious thrill for the family.

Film at MAXXI is a Fondazione Cinema per Roma/CityFest and Fondazione MAXXI coproduction.