Sunday 3 February 2019 ore 18:00 - 19:45

Film at MAXXI - Exhibition special.Moon

MAXXI Auditorium del – admission € 5
free for myMAXXI cardholders, with the first 10 cardholders to write to mymaxxi@fondazionemaxxi.it having the chance to reserve places until one day before the start date of the event

It is hard being the only miner on the moon: even harder when you find that there is another identical to you who has emerged from who knows where in the base where you have lived alone for years. The solution to the enigma liberates a revelatory thought regarding the future and technology.
The film by Duncan Jones (Great Britain, United States 2009, 97’) is “quiet and disturbing” science fiction; a beautifully constructed plot and a single actor (Sam Rockwell) in fine form make of this debut film by the son of David Bowie a limpid, ruthless and bizarrely intelligent (or intelligently bizarre) jewel.

Film at MAXXI is a Fondazione Cinema per Roma/CityFest e Fondazione MAXXI coproducion.