Sunday 17 February 2019 ore 18:00 - 19:45

Film at MAXXI - Exhibition Special.District 9

MAXXI Auditorium – entrance € 5
free for myMAXXI cardholders, with the first 10 cardholders to write to mymaxxi@fondazionemaxxi.it having the chance to reserve places until one day before the start date of the event

A gigantic spaceship is mysteriously suspended over Cape Town in South Africa and the humans, who despise the aliens, gigantic prawns, confine them in a miserable refugee camp before killing them like Nazis.
The film directed by Neil Blomkamp (South Africa/United States/New Zealand/Canada 2009, 112’) recounts through a mockumentary a pungent allegory of our contemporary failing to offer hospitality. Action, satire, horror, excellent digital effects and political provocation make this the most “original and innovative science fiction film for years.”

Cinema al MAXXI è una coproduzione Fondazione Cinema per Roma/CityFest e Fondazione MAXXI.