Sunday 10 February 2019 ore 17:00 - 18:45

Film at MAXXI - Exhibition special.Il Golem. Come venne al mondo

MAXXI Auditorium – entrance € 5
free for myMAXXI cardholders, with the first 10 cardholders to write to mymaxxi@fondazionemaxxi.it having the chance to reserve places until one day before the start date of the event

With live musical accompaniment directed by Maestro Antonio Coppola.

In the Prague of the 16th century, a rabbi reawakens a creature made of clay to protect his people: the Golem, who saves the life of the Emperor, convincing him not to banish the Jews. However, due to a jealous servant the Golem rampages out of control and turns against his creator.
Directed and interpreted by Paul Wegener and Albert Steinruck, the film Der Golem (Germany 1920, 85’) boasts photography by one of Expressionism’s greatest cameramen, Karl Freund, who traces the graphic body of a man-autonoma, a disturbing allegory of manipulation and redemption.

Film at MAXXI is a Fondazione Cinema per Roma/CityFest e Fondazione MAXXI coproduction.