Zach Blas and Jemima Wyman im here to learn so :)))))), 2017
Thursday 15 November 2018 ore 18:00 - 19:30

Human Digital Transformation.Luciano Floridi and Marco Bentivogli

MAXXI Auditorium –entrance fee € 5
Free for myMAXXI cardholders with the possibility of booking a place for the first 10 people by writing to until the day before the event

An exchange of ideas to design a human project for the 21st Century

We are living through extraordinary times of deep change. A true metamorphosis that makes us experience uncertainty and complexity and search for new models of knowledge. What used to be common and “true” no longer is. There are opportunities we cannot see yet, but now it is the time to conceive them. We can delve deeper and refine our understanding of complex phenomena starting from available data and new, powerful processing capability. Big data and algorythms are not only useful to sell more ads. Without forgetting we are human and our fragilities; a drive to discovery and solidarity. The ability to live together and coexist civilly.

Is it possible to replace fear and selfish interest with hope and altruism?

Introduced By
Giovanna Melandri President of MAXXI Foundation

Luciano Floridi full professor of philosophy and ethics of information, University of Oxford
Marco Bentivogli Secretary General of FIM CISL

Moderated by
Felicia Pelagalli Founder of CULTURE srl and President of InnovaFiducia
In collaboration with Associazione InnovaFiducia and CULTURE srl