Lucia Romualdi, Soundings, Studio Trisorio, Napoli 2014 – MAXXI Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo, Roma 2016 - Courtesy Archivio Lucia Romualdi
Tuesday 1 October 2024 ore 18:00

talkRaggiungere l’orizzonteby Angelica Speroni

MAXXI auditorium
free admission subject to availability
event in Italian

A talk dedicated to the meaning, value and function of artistic research.

The book on which the meeting is based proposes an investigation into the theoretical foundations of research, a critical analysis of the institutional and juridical framework of artistic research in Italy and the problems this entails for recognising its value.

Stefano Gobbi MAXXI Public Program

Tiziana D’Acchille Director Academy of Fine Arts of Perugia
Massimo Carboni Professor of Aesthetics
Bruno Corà Burri Foundation President
Bianca Pedace Perugia Academy of Fine Arts
Gabriele Simongini Rome Academy of Fine Arts
Marco Tortoioli Ricci Perugia Academy of Fine Arts, President AIAP recorded speech
Angelica Speroni Doctoral student Paris 8

On the occasion of the talk, the Perugia Academy of Fine Arts presents the first artistic doctorate cycle authorised by the Minister of University and Research. The event is realised in collaboration with the Perugia Academy of Fine Arts, L’Erma di Bretschneider and Fondazione Creativi Italiani.

individual seats reserved for myMAXXI card holders by writing to, by the day before the event