Wednesday 14 November 2018 ore 18:00 - 19:30

The conscience of art.Materie della mente

Carlo Scarpa hall – entry 5 euros
Three-day subscription 10 euros – purchasing the ticket gives right to a reduced entry ticket to the museum within a week from its issuing.
Free for holders of the myMAXXI card, with the possibility to reserve a seat for the first 10 to write tomymaxxi@fondazionemaxxi.it until full capacity.

A series of psychoanalytical dialogues revolving around the great exhibitions of MAXXI

Ever since its very inception, psychoanalysis has proficiently interacted with the world of art and culture in all its various facets. From Freud onwards, a creative dialogue has been established between artists and the psychoanalytical way of thinking, thereby leading to reflections on the big questions of life. Based upon these premises, the Museum and the SPI – Società Psicoanalitica italiana (Italian Psychoanalytical Association) have built upon the themes touched upon by the exhibition programme to present three events where psychoanalysis and art will have a debate about the great emergencies of contemporary society.

Art has always had the task of enabling human beings to face the big questions of life. However, everything takes place in an immensely larger space nowadays, where time has taken on a different value and we are forced to take into account the multiple natures that characterise and reside within us. On the occasion of the Low Form. Immaginari e visioni nell’era dell’Intelligenza Artificiale exhibition, the second event of the series will see psychoanalyst Lorena Preta help us analyse the way in which psyche is based upon these different natures and disharmonies, which speak volumes about an ever-moving matter and draw from the past while simultaneously creating new forms within a constant production process.

Lorena Preta psychoanalyst, full member of the SPI