Emilio Vavarella, Do You Like Cyber?, 2017. Courtesy: l'artista e GALLLERIAPIÙ.
Tuesday 30 October 2018 ore 18:00 - 19:30

Artificial Intelligence. An ethical challenge.Paolo Benanti, Diego Ciulli and Francesco Spampinato

Carlo Scarpa Hall – 5 euros

An event dedicated to relationship between ethics and robotics, between fundamental right and moral duties

The scientific and technological progress made in robotics today allow us to build systems to accompany or replace human beings in an increasing range of tasks: personal assistants to vulnerable people, automatic vehicles, robotic systems for surgery or rehabilitation medicine, surveillance systems and fully automatic weapons. Just a few examples are sufficient to highlight the relationship between ethics and robotics especially with regards to people’s fundamental rights and corresponding moral duties.

Introduced by
Bartolomeo Pietromarchi Director of MAXXI Art

Padre Paolo Benanti professor at Pontifica Università Gregoriana in Rome and expert in bioethics, ethics of technology and human adaptation
Diego Ciulli Public Policy and Government Relations Manager, Google
Francesco Spampinato contemporary art and visual culture historian

Moderated by
Federico Ferrazza Wired