Foto © Gianfranco Fortuna
Wednesday 4 December 2019 ore 14:30 - 18:30

Study Day.Preserving architecture collections

Architecture Archives Centre – free admittance until full capacity

A comparison of materials, methods, and experiences. An occasion to bring together conservators from various institutions and sectors.

As part of the Project and Utopia exhibit, stemming from the collaboration between the Paola Droghetti Foundation, the ISCR (the Italian Higher Institute for Conservation and Restoration), and the ICRCPAL (the Italian Central Institute for Restoration and Preservation of Archives and Books), MAXXI Architettura has conceived an opportunity to compare and study in-depth the preservation by shedding light on problems and reflections that move behind how to correctlyhand down to future generationssucha rich, complex, and heterogenous heritage as the architecture collections.

The three meetings dedicated to paper, photography, and various materials used in architecture models and installations will be based on a multidisciplinary approach due not only to the variety of the materials discussed and, therefore, the different professions involved, but also because of the strong functional and conceptual component that closely links the artifact to the design idea it represents.

The study day aims to be an opportunity to relate conservators from different institutions and sectors of expertise, young restorers and university students, in a meeting of a theoretical, technical and methodological nature aimed at training and updating, through ideas for reflection, presentation of case studies and critical experience sharing.

>>download the programme