Tuesday 29 November 2016 ore 18:30 - 20:00

Beyond Drawing with Shahzia Sikander.Bending the Barrels

American Academy in Rome – via Angelo Masina 5, Roma
Admittance free while places available

Five opportunities to get closer to Shahzia Sikander’s works by focusing on several of the themes she explores.

In the presence of Sikander’s works on paper or her majestic video installations we find ourselves in touch with a research for formal purity and the contemporization of the traditional Indo-Persian discipline of miniature painting.

Bending the Barrels 2009, HD video, 22 min.

Bending the Barrels, part of a series of video works made in South Asia between 2007 and 2009, is composed of footage shot at the Pakistani Military School of Music in Abbottabad. Through moving images overlaid with songs associated with Pakistan’s colonial past, Sikander trespasses in an all-male enclave and plays with military codes and rituals to complicate received stereotypes about passivity and bellicosity.

In collaboration with American Academy in Rome and Rhode Island School of Design.