Saturday 21 March 2015

Nawrūz. Il Capodanno persiano

Saturday 21 March
An entire day devoted to the celebration of Nawrūz, the Persian New Year, on the occasion of the exhibition Unedited History. Iran 1960-2014 with guided tours, workshops and, to finish, a Persian dinner with traditional music.

from 16.00 to 17.30
Workshop for families
for children of between 6 and 10 years of age
The Persian New Year is a very popular traditional celebration in Iran and coincides with the first day of spring. Among other rituals, the celebrations feature the preparation of Haft Sîn, the table with seven objects beginning with the letter “s”. During the workshop we shall be preparing the table together, learning about the meanings of the traditional objects and creating the traditional baskets with wheat shoots.

€8 per child, free for an accompanying adult
€4 for the children of myMAXXI card holders
The workshop does not include a museum visit
Obligatory reservations and purchases may be made by phoning 06 3201954

from 17.30 to 19.00
Guided tour + traditional dinner
Guided tours every half hour to the exhibition Unedited History. Iran 1960-2014
at 17.30, 18.00, 18.30 and 19.00
Purchase of the reduced price ticket + guided tour package includes participation in the buffet of traditional Persian cuisine in Spazio D from 19.00.

€12 per person (reduced price entrance ticket €8 + guided tour €4)
Reservations required by Sunday 15 March 2015

from 20.30 to 21.30
Concert by the Barbad Project
Traditional Persian music and dance from an idea by Reza, Hamid and Navid Mohsenipour
Auditorium, admittance free while places available

For further information, reservations and purchases please write to edumaxxi@fondazionemaxxi.it
or call 06 3201954