Tuesday 9 July 2024 ore 19:30

summer at MAXXI • performancemkBermudas

gallery 2
ticket € 10 – seats subject to availability
ticket € 7 for myMAXXI card holders
duration: 45 minutes

Bermudas is a system of movement based on simple and rigorous rules that produce perpetual motion, adoptable by each performer as a condition for existing alongside others and building a rhythmically shared world.

The chaos theories, the generation of complex sets from simple conditions, and the evolutionary systems of physics and meteorology inspire the work. The result tends towards constructing a place charged with relational tension, a very intense energy field (to which Bermudas ironically refers) traversed by a drive for immediate communication necessary to generate a space always accessible to any new input.

variable cast with Philippe Barbut, Biagio Caravano, Saverio Cavaliere, Sebastiano Geronimo, Luciano Ariel Lanza, Flora Orciari, Laura Scarpini, Francesca Ugolini conception and choreography Michele Di Stefano music Kaytlin Aurelia Smith, Juan Atkins/Moritz Von Oswald Underworld lights Giulia Broggi in collaboration with Cosimo Maggini meteo Antonio Rinaldi custom styling Marco Mazzoni and Michele Di Stefano mathematical consulting Damiano Folli organisation Carlotta Garlanda distribution Jean Francois Mathieu co-production mk and Bolzano Danza/Tanz Bozen in collaboration with AMAT Civitanova Casa della Danza Residance/DanceHaus PIù Milan, Dialoghi – performing arts residencies at Villa Manin Udine, Una diversa geografia/Villa Pravernara Valenza, AngeloMai Rome, L’ Arboreto – Teatro Dimora di Mondaino with the contribution of Regione Lazio – Assessorato alla Cultura e Politiche Giovanili, MiBAC

Danza&Danza Prize as best Italian production. Ubu Prize as best dance performance. Two 13-minute project spin-offs will be performed during the Museum’s opening at 11.30 am and 4.30 pm.