foto © Emanuele Meschini
Wednesday 17 July 2024 ore 21:00

summer at MAXXI • musicGianluca PetrellaCosmic Renaissance. Universal Language

MAXXI piazza
ticket € 15
ticket € 12 for myMAXXI card holders

A concert that starts from jazz and evolves into a project between exotic ghosts, escapes promises, and exaltation of the human condition between past and present.

After assembling the Cosmic Renaissance project and releasing the Universal Language album in 2022, Gianluca Petrella returns to the future jazz scene as a protagonist with a new album that starts from jazz to reach, with incredible spontaneity and naturalness, new musical perspectives.

Paolo Damiani musician

Gianluca Petrella trombone, synth, sounds and arrangements
Mirco Rubegni trumpet
Riccardo Di Vinci bass
Simone Padovani percussion
Federico Scettri drums
Anna Bassy vocals