Thursday 1 January 1970

My Architect

Festival della complessità
The final event in the V edition of the Festival of Complexity reflecting on the difference between complex and complicated.

A way of observing everything that surrounds us with new eyes, discovering that everything is connected: biology, politics, medicine, economics, physics, education, human relationships and so much more.

Thursday 22 May, 21.00
My Architect
by Nathaniel Kahn, USA 2013, 116’
MAXXI Auditorium – free admittance subject to availability

If a genius is a global resource, can a son feel anger for the affection denied him by that same genius? The American filmmaker Nathaniel Kahn tries to answer this difficult question.
The illegitimate son of Louis Kahn, one of the eccentric fathers of contemporary architecture, he brings to the big screen the journey he undertook in search of the identity of an invisible father.

Through the visits to the architect’s works around the world and meetings with his famous friends, the images reveal an emotion silenced for 40 years, the irreconcilable contradictions between betrayal and forgiveness, the suggestive bipolarity of art and life.

Sergio Boriapsychiatrist

Previous events
Thursday 22 May | Inside Jobby Charles Ferguson
Thursday 8 May | NU GUO – ?? – Nel nome della Madre by Pio d’Emilia and Francesca Rosati Freeman