Alighiero Boetti, Agata 1975. Agata che s'incastra
Thursday 26 May 2016 ore 19:30 - 21:00

Book presentationIl gioco dell’arte. Con mio padre, Alighiero

Graziella Lonardi Buontempo Hall – admittance free subject to availability of places

A collection of personal stories, shared by Agata Boetti in a book dedicated to her father Alighiero.

Alighiero Boetti had written: things are born out of necessity and chance. This book is like his embroidery. Born out of the need to finally transmit to his grandchildren an important part of their family history through the private vision of a work that now belongs to the entire world and the history of art. Talking about their grandfather through his works and his explanations: exploring why his works were him and were also catalysers in their extraordinary relationship.
A long letter, photocopied in three examples and destined for his children has become Il gioco dell’arte, a collection of personal stories that Agata Boetti has decided to share with all her readers.

Stefano Bartezzaghi writer, journalist and teacher at IULM University, Milan
Laura Cherubini art critic
Luigia Lonardelli curator, MAXXI Arte
Giorgio Verzotti art critic
The author Agata Boetti will also be present

An event in collaboration with the publisher Mondadori Electa