Friday 16 March 2018 ore 11:00 - 12:30

Within 55 days.Francesco Arena and Luciano Violante

MAXXI Auditorium and Gallery 1 – free entrance until full capacity
Schools can make reservations by writing to alternanza@fondazionemaxxi.it before the day prior to the event

An event on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the Via Fani massacre

The 3,24 mq artwork by Francesco Arena – exhibited in the heart of the museum, in the Gallery that hosts the Permanent Collection – is a full-scale reproduction of the narrow space where Aldo Moro was held prisoner for 55 days, starting from 16th March 1978. On the occasion of the 40th anniversary, both the artist and former magistrate Luciano Violante will meet the public to remember that tragic page of Italian history and describe the artwork, its message and the reasoning behind it.

Giovanna Melandri Fondazione MAXXI President

Francesco Arena artist
Luciano Violante former magistrate, politician, member of the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry on the Via Fani massacre