Tuesday 17 November 2015 6.30 PM - 8.30 PM

Good practices and new opportunities for cooperation in the Italo-Dutch creative industry

Graziella Lonardi Buontempo Hall | admittance free

A large wallpaper depicting the archit5ectural history of grain, the revitalisation of a local Roman market and new scenarios for the reuse of Milanese farmhouses. These are just a handful of examples of the Italo-Dutch projects that over the last year have brought together professionals form the creative sectors of the two countries to seek concrete solutions within the ambit of the Milan Expo themes: food, water and energy.

The Fondazione MAXXI the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands will be presenting a number of key projects that have won the Dutch “Fuori Expo 2015” competition. They are examples of good practice in terms of the internationalization of the creative sector with concrete returns for the area. The embassy will also be presenting the new competition aimed at the Italian cultural and creative sector, focussing on the challenges of urban centres to be realised within 2016.


Alessio Rosati Head of research, education and training – Fondazione MAXXI
Daniela Patti Eutropian founder
Eliana Saracino TSpoon
Carlo Venegoni Board member, Associazione Culturale New Generations
Bas Ernst Cultural attaché, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands