11 May 2019 > 01 September 2019

Olivo Barbieri, Paola De Pietri, Petra Noordkamp.Terre in movimento


opening hours

Monday closed
Tuesday to Sunday 11 am – 7 pm

Saturday and Sunday last entry at 5:30 pm

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curated by Pippo Ciorra, Carlo Birrozzi in collaboration with Cristiana Colli

Three great photographers recount a changing landscape.

Olivo Barbieri, Paola De Pietri and Petra Noordkamp are the first artists involved in the Terre in movement project.
Three artist for a photographic commission surveying the landscape of the Marche region, promoted by the Superintendency forArchaeology, Fine Arts and the Landscape of theMarche and by MAXXI, that present an overview of the landscapes, works of art, ruins, new and fragile settlements and the people inhabiting them, in the area devastated by the 2016 earthquake.A selection of works from the project will be acquired for the MAXXI Collection.