Thursday 1 January 1970

Fiona Tan. Inventory

Tuesday 26 March, 11.30
MAXXI B.A.S.E., Graziella Lonardi Buontempo hall – admittance free

On the occasion of the exhibition Fiona Tan. Inventory (MAXXI, 27 March – 8 September 2013), the artist will present the works on show, including her latest piece which gives its title to the show and which is making its worldwide debut.
Inventory is inspired by the private house and museum of Sir John Soane, a passionate collector who over 200 years ago had a monument constructed within the confines of his own home that embodied the appeal of and the architect’s passion for Rome and which contained classical sculptures, fragments and details. Inventory is flanked by a further three major video works by the artist: Correction, Disorient and Cloud Island.

Giovanna Melandri, President Fondazione MAXXI
Anna Mattirolo, Director MAXXI Arte
Adelina Vlas, Assistant Curator Modern and Contemporary Art at Philadelphia Museum of Art
Fiona Tan, Artist

Fiona Tan, Inventory, 2012