Tuesday 25 October 2022 ore 18:00 - 19:30

talk + prize-givingMAXXI BVLGARI PRIZE 2022Alessandra Ferrini, Namsal Siedlecki, Silvia Rosi

6 p.m. talk in gallery 5
7 p.m. award ceremony in the MAXXI auditorium
free admission subject to availability

The three finalists will meet the public to explore their artistic practice and the long process from conception to production underlying the three works nominated for the Prize.

The MAXXI BVLGARI PRIZE is an instrument designed to accompany the artists’ research from the production of a work through to the creation of a dedicated catalogue and exhibition: a unique opportunity to engage with the public space of the Museum.

Giovanna Melandri President MAXXI Foundation
Jean-Christophe Babin CEO BVLGARI
Bartolomeo Pietromarchi Director MAXXI Arte
Hou Hanru Artistic Director MAXXI