Rudolf Stingel, Untitled, 1994 (part.)
Friday 5 April 2024 ore 18:00 - 19:00

books at MAXXILo Stemmaby Fulvio Abbate

Carlo Scarpa hall
free admission subject to availability
event in Italian

A story of irrepressible baroque vices and unrepressed desires, Sicily as the mirror of our worst flaws and our best ambitions.

In the novel Lo Stemma, writer Fulvio Abbate signs an “anti-Gattopardo” (The Leopard), set in present-day Palermo, where the characters have to come to terms without being aware of it with their own mediocrity.

Alessandro Giuli Fondazione MAXXI President

Fulvio Abbate writer
Lorenza Foschini journalist and writer
Bruno Giurato journalist

Vera Gemma

In collaboration with La nave di Teseo.

individual seats reserved for myMAXXI card holders by writing to, by the day before the event