Saturday 24 September 2016 ore 16:00 - 17:30

in Con-Tact with Nervi

Palazzetto dello Sport, Piazza Apollodoro 10 – followed by free admission to the exhibition “Pier Luigi Nervi. Architetture per lo sport”*

A new initiative relates the Palazzetto dello Sport by Pier Luigi Nervi to Zaha Hadid’s MAXXI on the occasion of the Giornate Europee del Patrimonio 2016

A corporeal, involving experienced aimed at a non-specialist public, the elderly, migrants and people with impaired vision, with the objective of describing in an accessible and direct manner, the architectural research of the great Italian structural engineer. A walk through the Flaminio quarter, exploring the exterior of the Palazzetto dello Sport and, at MAXXI, a visit to the exhibition dedicated to the sports facilities designed by Nervi. The initiative is supported by materials about the Palazzetto dello Sport created ad hoc, including three tactile panels based on documents from the Nervi archive and a small model designed by two students from the Istituto per le Industrie Artistiche in Rome (ISIA).

The initiative is the first in a cycle of encounters dedicated to the architecture and the accessibility of the MAXXI collections, with the objective of creating opportunities for socialization and the exchange of different perceptions and emotions.

*Activity for a maximum of 25 people
For information and reservations: publicengagement@fondazionemaxxi.it

An initiative in collaboration with Consulta Cittadina Permanente sui problemi delle Persone Handicappate Roma Capitale