15 November 2017 > 11 February 2018
Monday closed
Tuesday to Sunday 11 am – 7 pm
Saturday and Sunday last entry at 5:30 pm
for young people aged between 18 and 25 (not yet turned 25);
for groups of 15 people or more; registered journalists with a valid ID card; La Galleria Nazionale, Museo Ebraico di Roma ticket holders; upon presentation of ID card or badge: Accademia Costume & Moda, Accademia Fotografica, Biblioteche di Roma, Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia, Enel (for badge holder and accompanying person), FAI – Fondo Ambiente Italiano, Feltrinelli, IN/ARCH – Istituto Nazionale di Architettura, Sapienza Università di Roma, LAZIOcrea, Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Amici di Palazzo Strozzi, Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia, Scuola Internazionale di Comics, Teatro Olimpico, Teatro dell’Opera di Roma, Teatro di Roma, Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata, Youthcard
valid for one year from the date of purchase
minors under 18 years of age; disabled people requiring companion; EU Disability Card holders and accompanying person; MiC employees; European Union tour guides and tour guides, licensed (ref. Circular n.20/2016 DG-Museums); 1 teacher for every 10 students; ICOM members; AMACI members; journalists (who can prove their business activity); myMAXXI membership cardholders; European Union students and university researchers in Art and Architecture, public fine arts academies (AFAM registered) students and Temple University Rome Campus students from Tuesday to Friday (excluding holidays); IED – Istituto Europeo di Design professors, NABA – Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti professors, RUFA – Rome University of Fine Arts professors; upon presentation of ID card or badge – valid for two: Collezione Peggy Guggenheim a Venezia, Castello di Rivoli Museo d’Arte Contemporanea, Sotheby’s Preferred, MEP – Maison Européenne de la Photographie; on your birthday presenting an identity document
MAXXI’s Collection of Art and Architecture represents the founding element of the museum and defines its identity. Since October 2015, it has been on display with different arrangements of works.
video gallery – free entrance for all from Tuesday to Friday and every first Sunday of the month
curated by Hou Hanru and Giulia Ferracci
On the occasion of Home Beirut Sounding the Neighbors – the exhibition aimed at analysing important phenomena of contemporary society through the city of Beirut – artapes, the screening programme carried out in cooperation with In Between Art Film, will devote its fourth event to the presentation of videos made by some of the most interesting artists of the international scene.
By use of screenings and debates with directors, as well as introductions by critics, curators, and experts, the festival encourages spectators to better know the story of cinema and the role of the media in Beirut. Generally speaking, it dwells upon the great themes that are currently debated in our society: memory, borders, individual freedom, conflict and reconciliation, and joy as a form of resilience. The project includes retrospectives devoted to the individual authors and a thematic focus, conceived as a complex, stratified portrait of the city.
Film screenings programme
15-26.11.2017 Joana Hadjithomas & Khalil Joreige
28.11-10.11.2017 Jalal Toufic and Graziella Rizkallah Toufic
12-21.12.2017 Rania Stephan
22.12.2017 – 07.01.2018 Lamia Joreige
09-14.01.2018 Roy Dib
16-23.01.2018 Eric Baudelaire
24.01.2018 Valerie Vincent
05-11.02.2018 Shirin Abu Shaqra, Haig Aivaizan, Ali Cherri, Ahmad Gossein
On the occasion of MAXXI Talk with Nicola Brandt and Eric Baudelaire, film screenings will be interrupted from 5:10pm on Thursday 18 and Friday 19 January