Saturday 21 April 2018 ore 11:30 - 13:00

The Stories of Architecture. Contaminations.Architecture and science | with Isabella Pasqualini

Sala Graziella Lonardi Buontempo – entry €5;
buying the ticket gives right to a reduced-price ticket to the museum (€8) within a week from issuance. Ticket for five events €20
Free entry for holders of the myMAXXI card, with the possibility to reserve a seat for the first 10 to write to mymaxxi@fondazionemaxxi.it before the day prior to the event, until full capacity

The contaminations of different disciplines in five events, between new canons and new interpretations.

The new series of lectures of The Stories of Architecture, thanks to the contribution of important scholars of the different fields, shows the Contaminations of contemporary Architecture among Art, Politics, Economics, Science and Cinema.

Isabella Pasqualini
The architectural avatar – aesthetics, biomimicry and moods
Ever since ancient times, the human body has been considered as the main point of reference for the conception of architectural spaces. Today, cognitive neuroscience and modern technologies such as immersive virtual reality enable us to analyse the influence of architectural interiors on feelings and emotions.

Isabella Pasqualini is a researcher and an architect. She studies the connection between body and space by use of immersive and interactive multimedia technologies, with specific emphasis on the multisensory aspect of the environment. She is currently invited researcher at the Neuroprosthetics Centre and a teaching member of the LéaV all’École Nationale Supérieure de Versailles.