Foto © Monica Cillario
Saturday 30 March 2019 6.30 PM - 8.00 PM

Books at MAXXI.Alessandro Baricco. The Game

The MAXXI Auditorium | free entry until full capacity
10 seats reserved for holders of the myMAXXI card by writing to, by the day before the event

Inside an ultra-digitalised world, one of the concepts most dear to analog man, the truth, suddenly becomes blurred, mobile, unstable.

What we are experiencing is not just a technological revolution made of new objects, but the result of a mental revolution. The people who triggered it – from the Internet pioneers to the inventor of the iPhone – did not have in mind a project if not this fascinating and wild project: making the repetition of a tragedy like that of the twentieth century impossible. No more borders, no more elites, no more priestly, political, intellectual castes.

One of the concepts most dear to analog man, the truth, suddenly becomes blurred, mobile, unstable. The problems are translated into a game for children-adults to be won. Because this is The Game.


Bartolomeo Pietromarchi, MAXXI Art Director

Alessandro BariccoThe Game‘s author
Federico Rampini, journalist and essayist

Gregorio Botta, La Repubblica