By Noam Weiner
open call
Tuesday 7 February 2017Wednesday 1 March 2017

Design in the Middle.20X2020

Respond to challenge of redesigning the immediate future of the Middle East and participate in the open call with your idea

MAXXI and School of Redesign in collaboration with the Fondazione Baruchello and Fondazione Mondo Digitale are inviting architects, artists, designers, activists and cultural movers to participate in an ambitious project: the redesigning of an alternative future for the Middle East through the production of a Design Comment, a brief video sharing their vision on a collaborative digital platform. An opportunity to dream of a different reality and to bring inspiration to all those who have never lost hope.

20 seconds, the duration of the video
2020, the year in the near future in which to project your ideas for the Middle East

The five best contributions, selected by a special jury, will be announced and screened during a public event within the ambit of Design in the Middle, the interdisciplinary workshop that will be held at MAXXI from 1 to 5 March in order to offer a selected group of architects, designers and artists from the Middle East the opportunity to work together for the first time.

The call will close on 1 March 2017

Present your idea for 20X2020
Partecipa ora!

For further information