Sunday 9 October 2016 ore 11:30 - 13:00

MAXXI in famigliaSign, drawing, movement

Workshop on the exhibition Shahzia Sikander: Ecstasy As Sublime, Heart As Vector for families with children of between 5 and 10 years old
Reservations are required and may be made together with ticket purchases by calling 063201954 or in writing via Email to

On the occasion of the F@mu – National families at museums day (, MAXXI Education is proposing an exploration for all the family of the video installations and precious illustrations inspired by the traditional Persian miniature discipline. Through a treasure hunt we will find the recurrent iconographical elements and the principals whereby they have been repeated and recomposed in associations charged with new meanings.
In the workshop we will apply Shahzia Sikander’s; compositional technique; using stencils and paint we will experiment with imaginative combinations to create new images and new stories inspired by the works on show.