Thursday 25 May 2023 7.00 PM - 8.30 PM

film screeningBig screen portraitsSketches of Frank Gehry

MAXXI auditorium
€ 5

A series of interviews conducted by Sydney Pollack traces the exciting life of the celebrated Canadian architect.

Taking its cue from Gehry’s original drawings for his most important projects, the film explores the journey of transforming these abstract sketches, first into three-dimensional matrix models, often made simply from cardboard and tape, then into complete buildings made of glass and titanium, concrete and steel, wood and stone.

Sketches of Frank Gehry
by Sydney Pollack
USA – Germany 2005, 90’
English with Italian subtitles

“Big screen portraits” is a six-appointment series on visionary characters who, in different eras, have changed our outlook on art, life, the city and the world we live in: Piero Bottoni, Umberto Boccioni, Nan Goldin, Franco Grillini, Frank Gehry.

In co-production with Fondazione Cinema per Roma.

individual seats reserved and free of charge for myMAXXI card holders by writing to mymaxxi@fondazionemaxxi.it, by the day before the event