Video prodotto da Han Nefkens Foundation con il sostegno di Mondriaan Fonds. Courtesy 80m2 Livia Benavides e Tegenboschvanvreden
Tuesday 1 October 2019 ore 18:00 - 19:30

Talk and screening.Maya Watanabe

Video gallery – free admittance until full capacity
10 individual seats reserved for myMAXXI cardholders writing to by the day before the event

Liminal tells the tragedy of the mass graves and the people who perished during the Peruvian civil war.

A meeting with the Peruvian artist Maya Watanabe who presents her latest video Liminal, in dialogue with Han Nefkens, head of the Dutch foundation bearing the same name that supports emerging and mid-career video artists. Liminal tells about the tragedy of the mass graves and the people who perished during the Peruvian civil war who, still today, twenty years later from the official end of the conflict, are waiting to be recognised.

The video was produced by the Han Nefkens Foundation, with the support of Mondriaan Fonds, in collaboration with EFE (Equipo Forense Especializado) and the Dirección General de Búsqueda de Personas Desaparecidas del Ministerio de Justicia y Derechos Humanos del Perù.

The video will be screened in the video gallery starting at 11:00 am on Tuesday 1st October.
The event is created in collaboration with the IILA – International Italian-Latin American Organisation.