Gianni Colombo, Spazio elastico, photo Mimmo Frassineti
Friday 17 March 2017 9.30 AM - 7.30 PM

Elastic Space. Criticism, Exhibits, Museums

Guido Reni hall – free entrance until full capacity
10 seats reserved to the myMAXXI card possessors, bookable writing to within the day before the event

curated by Stefano Chiodi

A day to analyse and discuss the relationship among art criticism, image theory, curatorial activity and museums in contemporary times.

Observing the transformations art criticism has undergone in contemporary times means dwelling upon the ever-changing relationships among critical writing, historical investigation and theoretical reflection, as well as those between curatorship and museums and those between the “art system” and the social world, which characterise the current cultural environment.

The MAXXI and the Humanities Department of Roma Tre University are hosting a day of studies which aims at pinpointing and discussing the several historical and theoretical cruxes that can be observed in the art criticism, curatorship and museology of the last decades, with particular emphasis on the Italian scene, also as far as other subjects and research fields (social sciences, architecture, visual studies, anthropology, etc.) are concerned, as they currently provide interesting theoretical insights.

Introduced by
Bartolomeo Pietromarchi Director MAXXI Arte
Mario De Nonno Humanities Department of Roma Tre University

Lorenzo Benedetti Kunstmuseum St. Gallen
Jean-François Chevrier École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts
Andrea Cortellessa Roma Tre University
Michele Dantini University for Foreigners, Perugia and IMT, Lucca
Jacopo Galimberti art historian
Romy Golan The City University of New York
Gabriele Guercio art historian
Marcella Lista Centre Georges Pompidou
Riccardo Venturi art historian
Claudio Zambianchi “La Sapienza” University of Rome
Stefania Zuliani University of Salerno

Stefano Chiodi Roma Tre University
Guido Mazzoni University of Siena