Friday 18 November 2016 ore 09:30 - 16:00

Lo spazio dell’arte tra passato e futuro

Graziella Lonardi Buontempo Hall – admittance free subject to availability of places
curated by the Nomas Foundation

What is the potential of the Italian archaeological heritage?

An opportunity for reflection on Italy’s archaeological heritage in terms of both a more traditional cultural fruition and with respect to the orientations and perspectives chosen by tourism that is aware, critical and sensitive to its own cultural consumption.

9:30 AM – Introduction
Hou Hanru Artistic Director MAXXI
Francesco Prosperetti Special Superintendence for the Colloseum and for the Archaeological Area of Rome

10:30 AM
Raffaella Frascarelli Nomas Foundation
The state of the art

11:00 AM – Coffee Break

11:30 AM
Clementina Panellla Sapienza University, Rome
“The Archaeologist’s Eye”. Diverse thoughts on the rules of the game

Cristopher Smith The British School at Rome
Missing the centre: thoughts on the Roman case

Ore 12:30
Monique Vaute Romaeuropa Festival
The paradoxes of common sense

1:00 PM – Lunch

2:00 PM
Maria Rosa Sossai ALa Group
How to regenerate cultural mediation through didactic process, spaces for creative freedom and curatorial practices

2:30 PM
Dieter Roelstraete Documenta 14
YOU DIG?Art and/as Archaeology

3:00 PM
Stefano Chiodi Roma Tre
Using the classics

3:30PM – Conclusions