Tuesday 11 April 2017 ore 18:30 - 20:00

Book presentationLittle Ones

Graziella Lonardi Buontempo hall – free entrance until full capacity

When images touch our souls, we end up projecting our emotions and personal experiences onto them.
Marina Abramović

A school in Barbados, the set of The Sheltering Sky in Morocco, the alleys of Dharamsala in northern India, the Tibet-like set of Little Buddha and the hills of Umbria have one common theme: childhood. Such theme, which is both predictable and ambiguous, has been chosen by photographer Alessia Bulgari, namely the president and co-founder of the Pianoterra Foundation, for an existential search, rather than an artistic one.
Little Ones is a photographic book which contains snapshots taken in places and stages of life which are very different and far from one another, but it is also a fundraising project. The proceeds resulting from donations is to be entirely allocated to the Pianoterra activities supporting the most vulnerable families in Naples and Rome.

Giulio Cederna curator of the Atlante dell’Infanzia a Rischio (Atlas of Jeopardised Childhood) of Save the Children Italia
Andrea Satta paediatrician of the Associazione Culturale Pediatri (Paediatrician Cultural Association) and musician
Elena Del Drago journalist
Author Alessia Bulgari is to attend the event